About Your Team

Mara , Hygienist

Mara offers the hygiene team at Summit Plaza an incredible wealth of knowledge and experience, and we are so lucky to have her! If you’ve been lucky enough to be in her chair, you know that her mission is to provide exceptional dental care while maintaining a calm and peaceful environment for her patients. She attended Creighton and Iowa Western Community College and has over 10 years of experience in the field! Mara and her husband have two wonderful children along with a rescue dog. When she’s not busy keeping up with the latest educational resources for her patients, you can find her riding bikes and playing board games and video games with her family.

Ceridwyn , Hygienist

Ceridwn has been a part of our hygiene team for several years, and her experience sure shines! She aims to provide exceptional dental hygiene care while building special relationships with her patients. Ceridwyn comes to us with not one, but two degrees–one of which was earned while still in high school! What a go-getter! She is a dedicated military spouse and an incredible mother to her kiddos, Killian and Maislyn. I wonder where her military travels will take her next…ask her at your next appointment!

Bri , Hygienist

Bri is the newest addition to our team of incredible hygienists! She comes to us fresh from New Mexico, so feel free to ask how she’s enjoyed the snow this year! Bri graduated at the top of her class from PIMA Medical Institute in 2023 and looks forward to growing in her career as a dental hygienist through serving our wonderful patients here at Summit Plaza. Bri loves sharing stories and photos of her husband Bryan and two precious daughters, Hayden and Cassidy. So don’t be surprised when you feel like family by the end of your visit! If you’re an animal lover, be sure to ask about her zoo at home!

Quinn , Hygiene Assistant

Quinn is our one and only hygiene assistant! Quinn’s main focus in the practice is to make every patient feel like they are family. They spend their day supporting the hygienists and doctor, and dream of becoming a hygienist themselves one day! Quinn graduated from Pima Medical Institute in Colorado, where they began their career in dentistry. When not busy at the office, you can find them playing guitar, video games, and football! Keep an eye out for them on the field of the Nebraska Pride!

Gabriella , Dental Assistant

Gabriella is one of the dental assistants that you may have seen working by Dr. Karloff’s side! She came to us all the way from Wisconsin! Gabriella is an absolute ray of sunshine in the office that always brings a smile to her patient’s faces. She went to school at Northcentral Technical College in Wausau, Wisconsin. When she isn’t assisting in a procedure, she keeps busy with her other jobs around town! She lives off of coffee and hot cocoa to make it through her busy days!